ISO 27001

Guarantee for safe handling of information

We believe it’s very important to handle data confidentially and secure. This also applies to the date you share with us. Even when it comes to your data. Our ISO 27001 certificate gives an independent guarantee that BeOne Development Holding, of which Infosequre is a part, meets strict international requirements in the field of information security.

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DigiTrust UK Certificate ISO 27001 2023_Page_1_edit

Your data is stored securely

Whether it concerns our learning management system (LMS), our cyber security culture scan or a game, as a customer you can trust that your confidential information is safe with us. We have established how we handle employee data, financial data and other sensitive information that we manage for our customers and third parties.

Working on a security culture is a continuous process

Within BeOne Development Holding we are continuously working on a corporate culture that exudes safe handling of information. We do this in an accessible way, which means that handling information securely has become routine for our people.